General Dynamics F-16AM Fighting Falcon (x2) - Belgium
The Belgian Air Force, known as the Belgian Air Component (BAC), are a great supporter of the Air Tattoo and it will be well represented once again this year in both the flying and static display with their F-16AM/BM Fighting Falcon. Now in the twighlight of its career in Europe, the F-16AM is gradually being replaced by the F-35 for many Air Arms therefore the return of the Belgian Vipers to RAF Fairford is a most welcome addition. Whilst a pair of F-16s will appear on static display, the skies above the Air Tattoo will be treated to a display from their new display pilot for 2022, Captain Steven "Vrieske" De Vries who is also the only non-American F-16 pilot to achieve more than 5,000 flying hours in the aircraft.
Photo Credit: Rich Cooper