Children In Front Of Lockheed Martin Stand RIAT24

STEM Opportunities

Why exhibit at the Techno Zone® 

Showcase your innovation and bring the science behind your technology to life with hands-on, interactive exhibits. Capture the imagination of the next generation of engineers while standing alongside some of the world’s most groundbreaking innovators in our Techno Zone®, sponsored by Lockheed Martin.

  • 40,000 children visit the Royal International Air Tattoo eager to explore the world of aerospace and STEM
  • Engage directly with 8,000 school aged children through dedicated educational visits
  • Free admission for under-18s, ensuring a wide and enthusiastic audience at our airshow
  • Make your mark, inspire future engineers, and be part of an event that combines cutting-edge technology with educational impact

Exhibit Alongside: 

Girls In Techno Zone RIAT24


For more information please contact:

Katherine Whinney

Techno Zone® and Sponsorship Manager


Telephone: +44 (0)1285 713 300 (ext. 5339)

Mobile: +44 (0)7711 158 430 (preferred)