Civ Mustang Paul Fiddian

Rolls Royce P-51D Mustang

Known as the Cadillac of the skies, the North American P-51 Mustang was originally designed in response to a new long-range fighter to supplement the Spitfire and Hurricane. The original P-51A was fitted with an Allison V-1710 engine that did not perform well at altitude. These issues were rectified by the installation of the Roll Royce Merlin and later the more powerful Packard Merlin. At the end of the Second World War, Mustang pilots have claimed over 4,950 enemy aircraft and the type was well known for escorting bombers on daylight raids.

The P-51 Mustang saw heavy use during the Second World War however its service continued well into the second have of the 20th Century and later versions were designated as the F-51 in USAF service. The Mustang saw significant combat service in Korea in addition to a number of smaller regional conflicts in Asia and South America. The final Mustangs were retired from military use by the Dominican Air Force in 1984, 44 years after the types first flight.

The Rolls Royce Heritage Flight will be providing their P-51D Mustang for static display at RIAT 2023.

Photo Credit: Paul Fiddian

On display
